Sunday, February 28, 2010

I know that I am not the only pastor who has and currently serves a church that is exasperating in its lack of ministry of any kind beyond Sunday morning worship and visitations. The sad part is when it is impossible to even accomplish these minor tasks to the satisfaction of the congregation. I am learning, after six years in this church, that I need to work on my ability to read people who don't tell you what they expect out of their pastor.

I have recently upset a family because I was not giving the pastoral coverage they desired from their pastor. In working with persons who are taking cancer treatments I typically do not do personal visits regularly for fear of inadvertantly bringing in a bug that would harm their suppressed immune systems. I do however typically do visits by phone and share that if a personal face to face visit or a desire to have me bring the elements arises to please let me know. I have also made it a habit to tell families about not wanting to bring a "bug" into the house and make a person taking treatments ill. Most families are glad of my thoughfulness in this. Unfortunately, in this instance because I didn't know that they wanted me to visit more often without being told has made me persona non-gratta.

I am almost afraid that because I don't have opportunities to do other types of ministry I usually associate with being a pastor that I am slipping in all areas ministry. I have learned from this experience and have already implemented changes to my visitation schedule. Unfortunately that doesn't fix the damage I have already done to this family. It is my hope that this experience will prevent me from making the same mistakes in the future. However, I continue to wonder if I had a more active ministry in this church if I would be more alert to the needs of my people. I pray that I don't become lethargic in ministry.